Historical Tour in The Center of Yogyakarta City

by - March 14, 2022

In the midst of the hectic activities of the PKTBT CASN BRIN 2022I took my weekend time to meet my senior (while studying at IPB) who happened to return to Yogyakarta. Because I took the CL (Commuter Line) from home, so I requested a meet up place not far from Yogyakarta (Tugu) Station, which is around Malioboro.

It turns out that Malioboro is not that narrow. Here I want to share the interesting places in Malioboro other than the shopping center. Come on, let's follow the story to the end, okay?


Kawasan Malioboro
The Gate Separated Each Zone in Malioboro

Right from the exit gate of Yogyakarta (Tugu) Station, we can see many interesting places for tourists. Let's call one of them is Selasar Malioboro which is a gathering place for angkringan traders. I have discussed this article about Selasar Malioboro and its Angkringan in full in the post Strolling Around Malioboro, A Major Shopping Street in Yogyakarta. 

pedagang kaki lima di teras malioboro
Teras Malioboro 1

The new face of Malioboro that is different from the 2019s is the presence of benches, hand washing facilities, and a dividing gate between zones along the sidewalk on Malioboro street. One more thing, the street vendors who originally sell their products crowded the sidewalks, starting February 1, 2022, were moved to Teras Malioboro 1 and Teras Malioboro 2. The Malioboro sidewalk is now more convenient for tourists and pedestrians who deliberately follow this road to the zero point of Yogyakarta.


Malioboro's Chinatown: Kampung Ketandan
The Gate of Chinatown area in Ketandan Village

Right after Malioboro Mall, we will find a gate with Chinese-style architecture on the left side of the road. This is the gate of Kampung Ketandan, a Chinatown area (Chinatown) in Yogyakarta. Based on information from the Yogyakarta City Government News Portal, Ketandan village is a witness of the acculturation between Chinese culture, the Palace and Residents of Yogyakarta since the Dutch colonial era. Every Chinese New Year celebration, the Ketandan Village organizes the Yogyakarta Chinese Culture Week. Cultural ornaments and a lion dance festival will enliven the atmosphere in the area.


Beringharjo, the oldest market in Yogyakarta
Entrance Gate of Beringharjo Market

If we continue our journey to the south, we will find Beringharjo Market which is the oldest and historic market in Yogyakarta. Reporting from Yogyes.com, at first the Beringharjo Market was a banyan forest that was used as a place for buying and selling by local residents after the establishment of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace in 1758. The name of this banyan tree was later immortalized as the name of the market, namely Beringharjo (bering = banyan, harjo = welfare), with the hope that this market will become a source of prosperity.

mainan tradisional pasar beringharjo
Traditional Toys Trader at Beringharjo Market

At Beringharjo Market, sellers peddle various traditional snacks such as brem madiun, krasikan, green bean bakpia, hung kwe, nagasari, ting-ting, etc. In addition, this market also sells various types of batik and some traders offer traditional toys.


Main Building of Gedung Agung Yogyakarta

Right in front of the Vredeburg Fort Museum, there is a historical building called the Gedung Agung. This building was built since the Dutch colonial era, then used by the Japanese government during the colonial era, and was used by the Indonesian government after Indonesia's independence. History records the important role of Gedung Agung as the Presidential Palace (presidential residence) during the Second Dutch Military Aggression when the Indonesian government moved from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. According to the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia, the name Gedung Agung was given because of its function to welcome dignitaries of the state (gedung means building, agung means great or dignity).


March 1st General Offensive Monument

Continuing the journey to the south, we will find the 0 Km point, which is an intersection in the center of Yogyakarta City which brings together Jl Ahmad Dahlan, Jl Senopati, Jl Ahmad Yani, and the road leading to the north square. In this place you will easily see the old Dutch-style post office building, the BNI Bank office and the monument to the March 1 general attack.

0 km point and BNI Bank building

The 0 km point of Yogyakarta is often used as the center for holding big events such as music concerts, etc. This place looks very beautiful especially at night. Many tourists just take a walk and capture the moment in this place.


wedang ronde
Wedang Ronde (A Javanese Traditional Beverage)

From the 0 Km point of Yogyakarta, we continued our journey to the south. Right after crossing the intersection, on the left there are vendors selling traditional snacks, one of which is wedang ronde. We stopped for a moment while enjoying the wedang ronde at the small stall.

Sonobudoyo Museum 

Not far from the stall, there is the Sonobudoyo Museum which manages objects that have a scientific culture. If you are a humanist, it is a worth in taking the time to stop by this museum.

Kawasan Malioboro dari Alun-alun Utara
Point 0 Km Yogyakarta from North Square

Istana Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta Palace from North Square

Next, we will pass through a gate that leads us to the north square of the Yogyakarta Palace. In this square there are three pairs of banyan trees planted within the boundary fence. From this square, we can clearly see the Yogyakarta Palace from the front side.


Yogyakarta Palace's Grand Mosque Kauman
Kauman Grand Mosque in Yogyakarta

Continuing our journey to the west, we walked from the square to The Grand Mosque Kauman. This mosque was built by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I as one of the completeness of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Kingdom as well as the spatial layout of other Javanese kingdoms where the mosque is always located to the west of the palace.

Masjid Agung Kauman Yogyakarta
The name of the Great Mosque of Kauman

The name Kauman itself is very familiar to me because it is a historical place for the establishment of the Muhammadiyah organization. Unfortunately I didn't have much time to go around Kauman village to find the Langgar Alit (a Javanese type of small mosque) which was built by KH Ahmad Dahlan. Hopefully next time I can explore this area more widely.

Thus, I walked through historical buildings in Yogyakarta, especially from Malioboro to the Yogyakarta Palace. This article is also available in Indonesian and Japanese version. See you on the next walks.

See you,


Maybe readers are wondering why I always use the name "Tugu" when writing Yogyakarta Station. So, in the center of Yogyakarta, there are 2 big stations which used to be called "Tugu" and "Lempuyangan" stations. When purchasing tickets at PT KAI, these two stations were named Yogyakarta Station with the interpretation being Tugu Station for business/executive tickets and Lempuyangan for economy tickets. However, at this time, Lempuyangan station is commonly referred to as Lempuyangan Station without including the name Yogyakarta, and Yogyakarta station is more specifically referred to as Tugu Station. So, if someone mentions "Tugu Station" it means "Yogyakarta Station".

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  1. aaah, i have memories with most of the site listed here, especially kauman grand mosque and the north square. anyway i love to enjoy ambience from jetis cross road (north of tugu) to south square by some easy jog in the morning. :-)

    1. You've spent part of life here I guess, too memorable. I haven't explore the part of Tugu by the way, but I will post if I did. Thanks for leave a comment mas :))

  2. Bener bener yaaa, kalau udah sampai di Malioboro, pasti bisa menyambangi lokasi wisata di sekitarnya juga. Oh ya, jangan lupa juga mampir ke Taman Sari.

    1. Iya.. betul banget :)) Karena pusat peradaban sih ya..
      Oh iya, udah ke sana sih.. May be the next bakal posting khusus tentang Taman Sari, biar lengkap jelajah Yogya-nya ya

  3. Wah bagus banget.. tapi apalah daya sepertinya aku hanya lihat gambar saja

    1. Iyaa.. ya at least tahu sih mas kalau belum berkesempatan singgah.
      Thanks for leave a comment :))

  4. Wah, kota Yogyakarta emang menarik banget sih buat dipelajari dan dikunjungi. Sip pokoknya. Jadi, pengen ngerasain stay di Jogja nih Bismillah

    1. Iya,.. banyak yang bisa diexplore. Dan murah-murah ;))
      Bismillah ya..

  5. Terlalu banyak kenangan di jogja ini. Sudah 3x aku kesini. Waktu SD bareng nenek, SMP waktu study tour dan waktu photoshoot dibeberapa spot jogja. Masih aja nggak bosen untuk didatangin Jogja tuh.
    Kayaknya kalau tinggal disana juga nikmat.

    1. Lumayan sering juga ya mbak Yunita ke Yogya.. Mungkin bakal kaget nanti kalau ke sini lagi, banyak yang berubah.

      Setuju banget, Yogyakarta nggak pernah ada habisnya untuk diexplore. Dan di sini juga murah-murah, kecuali kalau mau beli tanah/rumah ;)

  6. Kangen berkunjung ke jogja, setelah merantau sekian lama di ibu kota. Dulu hampir setiap bulan main ke kota jogja.

    1. Arghh segitu seringnya ke Yogya, pasti kangen banget deh..
      Dan pasti surprise banget dengan perubahan Yogya sekarang ini

  7. kece.. Jojga emang kota bersejarah yang bakalan asyik menjadi spot foto.. terutama yg mau coba Seni Fotografi Travelling..

    Cari Tau yuk Apa itu Seni Fotografi Travelling di laman blog saya tegaraya.com

    artikel terkait lainnya silahkan menelusuri label Fotografi pada laman tegaraya.com

    Terimakasih banyak telah berbagi cerita dan informasinya..

  8. Yogyakarta has never failed me for fall for her 🤩 There are a lot of memories there, I wish I could bring the joy again

    1. I agree ;))
      Never disappointed. I wish you can visit Yogya again in the future :))

  9. Its been a long time since my last visit to Jogja. Hope I can go there again next time. Jogja is amazing, all its historical story, places and beach...

    1. Yes, that's right!! You will surprise with the current situation in Malioboro, there is a lot of changes. I love it anyway, because it ease the traveller going around Malioboro.

      I hope you can visit here again :))

  10. Banyak kenangan dijogja, aku sudah sekitar 3 kali kejogja dan ketemu suamiku juga di jogjaa... yogyakarta penuh kenangan

    1. Iya kan ya mbak... nggak ada habis-habisnya dibahas

  11. jogja memang selalu istimewa sih, coba aja klo gk percaya tinggal di jogja pasti nyaman banget dan biasanya sudah menjadi rumah kedua sama nyamanaya kyk kota kelahiran

  12. I miss Yogya so bad. Really happy when i went to Gembira loka zoo and walking arounding malioboro..

    1. It has been long time I didn't visit Gembira Loka -_-

  13. Yogya emang selalu dirindukan deeh! Banyak banget wisata menarik yang bisa kita datangi, bahkan kuliner kulinernya yang selalu bikin kangen. Thanks ka udah sharing

  14. Beberapa kali ke jogja baru tahu kalo ada china town disana, mungkin next jadi list destinasi sih

    1. Chinatown-nya sangat kecil mbak.. dan satu paket sama Malioboro. Sekalian aja ke Malioboro kalau mau ke sana.

  15. Yogya memang tidak ada habisnya ya kak di bidang pariwisatanya, sebagai orang yang tumbuh besar di jogja jadi sangat bangga sekali.

    1. Betul sekali. Selalu ada tempat untuk pulang ya :))

  16. Semoga Kota Yogya tidak kehilangan ciri khasnya, sangat jarang ada kota seperti Yogya yang masih mempertahankan kebudayaannya, semoga bisa berkunjung lagi kesana

    1. Iyap, benar sekali :))
      Eh tapi relokasi PKL di Malioboro itu sukses mengubah wajah Malioboro 100% lho...

  17. Duh, jadi kangen Jogja. Mudahan ada kesempatan untuk berkunjung ke Jogja lagi

  18. Makasih sharingnya kk,, tpi jujur aku gk ngerti bhasa inggris. Haha,, mhon maaf

    1. Thanks sudah berkunjung. Ada artikel versi bahasa Indonesianya di sini mas: http://www.satsumabiru.art/2022/03/wisata-sejarah-di-pusat-kota-yogyakarta.html

  19. Ajarkan aku cara nulis bahasa inggris Kak... Keren banget.. Semoga semakin sukses ya kakkkkk....

    1. Iseng-iseng coba aja mbak, hehe. Nanti lama2 makin lancar.
      Thank you mbak for visit :)) Nanti aku kunjungi balik


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